Research Clinic FAQs
Who is at these Research Clinics?
Research Clinics are run by one or two librarians, depending on the number of registrants for the clinic. Most clinics will also have a trained Student Research Consultant in attendance. Because students sign up for a Research Clinic based on their own schedules, each clinic is a mix of students from different classes working on different projects.
What happens in a Research Clinic?
The librarian will introduce a brief ice breaker question regarding some aspect of attendees’ research experiences to get participants interacting with peers at their table. Then the majority of the 70-minute session will be individual work time for students to do the research assignment indicated by their instructor. During this time the librarian(s) will check in with each student for a 5-10 minute individual consultation. To wrap up, students will complete an exit ticket that invites them to reflect on their experience of the session.
What are the benefits to students?
There are as many research challenges as there are researchers. This format allows librarians to support students’ individual needs at the moment that they are doing their work. In seeking to create a low-stress, playful environment, we hope that students will have a productive and positive library experience and gain a better understanding of the sort of support librarians can provide.
How does registration work?
Students will use this link,, to sign up for a time that works with their schedule. Clinic times vary each week in order to accommodate as many different student schedules as possible. Registration is capped at 20 students per clinic, but a waitlist is available. Once a student is registered they will receive a confirmation email including the date, time, location and a link to cancel if needed. A reminder email is sent 24 hours before the Clinic start time. Registration closes 24 hours before the clinic.
My students have group research projects, should they all go to the same clinic?
Given students' busy schedules, it can be difficult to impossible for all group members to attend the same clinic outside of class. But in our experience, clinics still work well for group research. Each group members may attend a clinic with a different librarian, and each student may focus on a different aspect of the research. This often leads to each student gathering a different "piece of the puzzle" that they can then return to share with their group.
When will the clinics be offered?
Clinics are offered on a rotating schedule three times a per week from week 6 to week 12 of the semester. The current schedule is here. However, if more instructors than anticipated assign Research Clinics in their classes, we will increase the number of Clinics offered. Please contact Alyssa White if you are planning to require a clinic visit for your course.
What if a student is unable to make any of the Research Clinic times?
In this scenario, we suggest that you allow students to substitute a scheduled one-on-one meeting with a librarian. While this won’t be exactly the same experience as a Research Clinic, students do report that their one-on-one meetings are very helpful. Appointments can be scheduled at this link,, with the librarian of the student’s choosing.
Where will the clinics be located?
Research Clinics will be held in Lamson 102, on the main level of the library.
What do students need to do before the Research Clinic?
Student will need to register for a Research Clinic outside of their regular class time, and they will need to be aware of what assignment their instructor intends them to work on. Students may come to a Research Clinic still needing help refining their topic, but they must arrive knowing what assignment they should be working towards completing. It is helpful for students to bring their laptops to the clinic, but if this is not possible a laptop can be borrowed from the front desk of the library.
Who can attend research clinics?
Anyone! Students who want to attend outside the requirements of a course, are welcome to do so! However, we have found that most students will only attend if required to do so by an instructor, and we rely on faculty who are teaching courses that have a research component to make the clinics a requirement or worth some credit for your course.