Course Books @ Lamson

Do you really have all the books for my 1000 & 2000 level courses?
Yes! Whenever possible we get ebook versions of course books so that they can be accessed from anywhere. But even when ebooks are not available, we get print copies of the books and make them available for short term check out at the front desk of the library.
The only times we cannot provide the course materials is when they are workbooks or require an access code to use.
Are books for my upper level courses also available at the library?
Maybe. Books for upper level courses are available at the request of the instructor. You can check whether books for 3000 and 4000 level courses are available by going to the library's Course Reserves Page and searching the course or professor's name or by asking at the Information Desk.
How do I find these books?
Course books are available at the Information Desk on the main level of Lamson Library. Let the staff know the name of your course or of your instructor and they can look up your course books.
You can also look up your course books on the library's Course Reserves Page to see if they are available as an ebook (able to be accessed from anywhere) or in print (only available at the library).
The books for my course are not available at the library, what can I do?
Contact a librarian and let them know the course number and which books you are looking for. We will work with your instructor to look for a way to add the books to our collection.
You keep using the word "reserves," what does that mean?
Reserves are the books, journals and DVDs that are being used in courses that can be checked out for short periods (usually 2 hours) so that they can be used by many people in the same class.
What if I need the book for more that 2 hours?
Books can be renewed for another 2 hours as long as no one else is waiting for it. Just go back to the information desk and ask to renew the book. It is rare that more than one person wants to checkout a book at the same time, so renewing is almost never a problem.
I am a professor who wants to put a book for an upper level course on reserve, how do I do this?
Fill out the Reserve Request Form. If the library already owns the book, we will pull it from the shelf and put it on reserve. If we do not own the book, we will ask you to provide a copy (that you will get back at the end of the semester.)