Preliminary Pages
Order of Preliminary Pages
- Flyleaf - a blank page
- Abstract
- Copyright page (optional)
- Title page
- Approval page
- Dedication (optional)
- Acknowledgments (optional)
- Table of Contents
- List of Figures (required if applicable)
- List of Tables (required if applicable)
- Executive Summary
An abstract is a summary of the document’s purpose, methods, major findings, and conclusions. The abstract for the library copies must include the major professor’s original signature. Your name (designated “Student Name”) must appear exactly the same throughout the document. In all cases, use the official name of the major. Follow the formatting of the example below. Please note that local formatting for the abstract page differs slightly from APA formatting.
The abstract is between 150-250 words, and no longer than one page. The text is one paragraph with no indentation, and is double-spaced. No references or citations are included in the abstract.
Keywords are noted and listed at the bottom of abstract. Write the label "Keywords:" (in italic) one line below the abstract, indented 0.5 in. like a regular paragraph, followed by the keywords in lowercase, separated by commas. The keywords can be listed in any order. Do not use a period or other punctuation after the last keyword.
This page is counted, not numbered, nor does it appear in the Table of Contents.

Copyright Page
The copyright page is optional but recommended. Follow the formatting of the example below. Text is centered in the middle of the page. Nothing else should appear on the page.
Please note that you are the copyright holder of your dissertation regardless of whether or nor you register your copyright with the US Copyright Office. The library website has additional information about copyright registration.
This page is counted, not numbered, nor does it appear in the Table of Contents.

Title Page
Follow the formatting of the example below.

Approval Page
Follow the formatting of the example below. All signatures collected on the library copies’ approval pages must be original. Your signature constitutes consent to have your document available for public reference in Lamson Library.
Each committee member's name is listed with degree credentials after the name. This information should be verified by the dissertation author with each committee member. Each committee member provides a signature.
This page is counted, not numbered, nor does it appear in the Table of Contents.

Dedication Page
The dedication page is optional. The word DEDICATION in all caps is centered at the top of the page. The text is narrative and is double-spaced.
The dedication page is counted, shows the appropriate lower case Roman numeral page number at the top right of the page, but is not listed in the Table of Contents.
The acknowledgements page is optional but recommended. This page recognizes institutions, funding sources, mentors, colleagues, family and/or friends who may have helped. The exact content of this page is up to you.
The word ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS in all caps is centered at the top of the page. The text is narrative and double-spaced.
The acknowledgements page is counted, shows the appropriate lower case Roman numeral page number at the top right of the page, but is not listed in the Table of Contents.
Table of Contents
The Table of Contents reflects the specific levels of organization within the dissertation. Ensure that the page numbers accurately reflect where the headings appear in the text. Listing the chapter headings in the Table of Contents is required; listing the subheadings is optional, and you may list some levels but not others.
All headings and subheadings in the Table of Contents exactly match the headings and subheadings used in the text body, and should be typographically the same (e.g., type font and style, capitalization).
Chapter headings are flush left. Subsequent levels are denoted by indention in the Table of Contents. Dot leaders are used, and all listed page numbers are aligned right. Use double spacing between entries, but single spacing if an entry runs onto more than one line. A hanging indent should be used in the case of an entry running onto more than one line.
List the appendix or appendices (if applicable) in the Table of Contents. List the Appendices Heading Page in the Table of Contents. Each appendix has its own letter designation and title. When listing an individual appendix, include its title.
If the Table of Contents is more than one page, subsequent pages should be headed “TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued).”
Return twice between the TABLE OF CONTENTS heading and the first item in the table.
Table of Content pages are counted, show the appropriate lower case Roman numeral page numbers at the top right of each page, but are not listed in the Table of Contents.

List of Figures
A list of figures is required if two or more figures appear within the text. "List of Figures" appears in bold with title case centered at the top of the page (formatted as APA Level 1 Heading). The list uses the titles as they appear in figures within the manuscript.
All figures are numbered with Arabic numerals in the order in which they are first mentioned within the manuscript and the title of each figure is included. Entries must be double-spaced. Entries longer than one line must be single spaced with a hanging indent. Dot leaders are used, and all listed page numbers are aligned right.
List of Figures pages are counted, show the appropriate lower case Roman numeral page numbers at the top right of each page, and are listed in the Table of Contents.
List of Tables
A list of tables is required if two or more tables appear within the text. "List of Tables" appears in bold with title case centered at the top of the page (formatted as APA Level 1 Heading). The list uses the titles as they appear in tables within the manuscript.
All tables are numbered with Arabic numerals in the order in which they are first mentioned within the manuscript and the title of each table is included. Entries must be double-spaced. Entries longer than one line must be single spaced with a hanging indent. Dot leaders are used, and all listed page numbers are aligned right.
List of Tables pages are counted, show the appropriate lower case Roman numeral page numbers at the top right of each page, and are listed in the Table of Contents.
Executive Summary
Follow the formatting of the executive summary example below.
The executive summary should be on department letterhead and is limited to one page. The degree name (in bold), author name and dissertation title should be centered under letterhead heading.
- The Introduction should identify the study and include the purpose of the Dissertation study. Language used here should be compelling and draw in reader.
- The Problem of Practice should be concisely stated in one sentence.
- The Research Method should describe briefly the method of the study in no more than three sentences.
- The Summary of Findings should be stated concisely in no more than three sentences.
- The Limitation(s) of Study should be stated in no more than two sentences.
- The Implications/Significance of Study should be informative and connect back to your problem of practice. No more than two sentences.
The Executive Summary page is counted, shows the appropriate lower case Roman numeral page number at the top right of the page, and is listed in the Table of Contents.